TIPS for your vehicle as we head into Spring in New England
As we slowly move into Spring????
Check out these Maintenance Tips from Arbella Mutual Insurance on our facebook page on what you can do for your vehicle…
–Have Paint inspected for rust…
–Have Your Engine’s fluid checked and filled
–Get Windshield Wiper blades checked and changed out if needed
–Have Tire treads and pressure checked
–Check wheel alignment
–Have Your battery tested and Brakes inspected
Have a Great week from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Happy Patriots’ Day 2018
Good luck to all the individuals Running in the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 16, 2018 from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc!
Monday is Patriots’ Day in Massachusetts. This day commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord, which were fought near Boston in 1775. Patriots’ Day is annually held on the third Monday of April.
In observation of the holiday, Our offices will be closed on Monday, re-opening on Tuesday, April 17, 2018.
Have a great weekend and Happy Patriots’ Day 2018!
Do You Need New Tires for Your Vehicle before Heading Away this Spring?
You should check your tires each Spring and Fall for safety.
Check out our facebook page at
to Take this Simple Penny Test!
– You Have Good Tires……
-Consider New Tires Soon…
-Time For New Tires
#tipstuesday #Checktiresforsafety
Have a Great Week from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Good Luck to the Red Sox on Opening Day
Good Luck to the Red Sox Today on Opening Day!!!????
Did you know that Wally debuted 21 years ago – in 1997?
For More Red Sox facts:
April is Distracted Driving Month – Pledge to Be an Attentive Driver
–April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month–
Distracted driving is a public health issue that affects us all. The latest statistics show motor vehicle fatalities are up 6% from 2015. More than 40,000 people were killed on our nation’s roadways last year, and distracted driving is a major contributor.
Many are pledging to their Children or Loved Ones to be an Attentive Driver either personally and also online:…
I pledge to Just Drive for my own safety and for others with whom I share the roads. I choose to not drive distracted in any way – I will not:
•Have a phone conversation – handheld, hands-free, or via Bluetooth
•Text or send Snapchats
•Use voice-to-text features in my vehicle’s dashboard system
•Update Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Video or other social media
•Check or send emails
•Take selfies or film videos
•Input destinations into GPS (while the vehicle is in motion)
•Call or message someone else when I know they are driving
#tipstuesday #driveforsafety #stopdistracteddriving
Have a Great week from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.