Considering a New Roof for Your Home?
Will You Take the Pledge?…
Will You Take The Pledge? …
Are YOU a New/Young Driver?…
Consider this Distractology Program…
Location: Arbella Mutual office in Quincy, MA
When: Through August 21st, 2015
If you, or your child, has a Learner’s Permit or has had license for less than 3 years…
Call 617-769-3309 to schedule Your Appointment TODAY.
Or visit:
Appointments are being offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
If your carrier is Arbella Mutual, and you complete the entire program, you will also receive a discount on your policy.
However, everyone is welcome into the program, regardless of your carrier.
Contact our office with any questions.
Happy 4th of July
We will be closed on Friday, July 3, 2015.
Wishing you and your family a Happy & Safe 4th of July!!!
Before your hit the road for the July 4th Holiday weekend…
Before your hit the road for the July 4th Holiday weekend…
Remember to make sure your vehicle is operating properly. The lights, oil, tires (condition and pressure level), belts and hoses, brake fluid, and battery should all be checked by a professional before leaving.
The rise in driving is a testament to the improving U.S. economy, which has added more than 3 million jobs in the past year. Drivers will account for 85% of travelers, AAA said.
As Summer Storms Approach…Be Safe When Lightning Hits
According to the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) – no place is absolutely safe from lightning, but some places are much safer than others.
Being stranded outdoors can be a scary experience. While there is no safe place to be outside in a lightning storm, there are last resort choices to go that’ll lessen the odds of getting struck by lightning.
More tips at:
#LightningSafetyWeek #lightningsafety #LiveAssured
Boating Safety Tips
Splashing around in the water on your boat
with friends and family brings joy and entertainment
all summer long.
Make sure you have proper insurance protection…
on your boat in case you or
someone else is hurt, or in the event of theft,
collision or damage. Keep these tips in mind:
• Secure your safety. Check your personal flotation
devices for wear, torn seams, secure straps,
buckles and inflation devices. Look for properly
working fire extinguishers, and keep a first aid
kit on board.
• Go high-tech. Download apps for your wireless
devices such as iNavX Marine Navigation,
Boater’s Pocket Reference, Emergency Distress
Beacon and Anchor Alarm.
• Make sure your boat is in shipshape. Locate and
repair any damage to your boat’s hull, patching
and plugging when needed.
• Know where you’re out to sea. Keep up-to-date
nautical maps handy when you head into large
bodies of water.
• Be on the lookout. Watch for other boats,
how fast they are traveling and their proximity to your vessel.
New Progressive Insurance!
Exciting News!
We’re now representing Progressive Insurance.
Contact us today for a quote!