The Value of an Independent Agent
There are many benefits to having an Independent Insurance agent, including:
–They can walk you through the processes of buying Insurance and ensure you’re getting the coverage you need with all the right Discounts.
–Excellent Customer Service.
–We Help Clients Compare Multiple Brands and find the Best Value.
–By working with an agent, you have an advocate who will work with you if you ever have to file a claim.
–Agents are local to you and calling with Questions or coming into our Office for help is always Welcome.
–Referrals are the Ultimate Compliment–
Thank you for Choosing Moynihan Insurance Agency, Incorporated Tel: 508-853-8080
Bundling Your Automobile and Renter’s Insurance Together will give you Discounts on Both Policies…
Check out the article about Renter’s Insurance via Arbella Insurance from on our Facebook page at:
1. Tbh, it should actually be called property insurance, because that’s what it covers: your stuff.
Your landlord has insurance that covers the actual building and structure that you live in; renter’s insurance covers all the stuff you own: furniture, jewelry, clothes, electronics, bike, small appliances, art, etc.
2. You might not think you own a lot of stuff, but you probably can’t afford to replace EVERYTHING if something destroyed all or most of it.
Clothes, pots and pans, furniture, electronics…it all starts to add up quickly.
“Covered” risks usually include theft, vandalism, fire, water damage (but not flooding), and extreme weather events at a minimum.
Laptop get stolen at a coffee shop? Renters insurance will pay. Bike vandalized while parked outside a bar? Renters insurance. Camera stolen on vacation? Renters insurance again.
Say your car gets stolen and your computer was in it—renters insurance covers that. Or if you’re in a car accident and your camera gets damaged—renters insurance covers that, too. (This is true of homeowners insurance, too. Car insurance covers only the vehicle itself, and sometimes injuries.)

6. The average cost of renters insurance is pretty low, around $10-20 a month or $100-200 a year.
The exact amount depends on where you live, how much stuff you have, the company you use and your deductible.
NerdWallet has a great breakdown of different companies and the benefits they offer here.
It’s called “bundling” and it can save you a little on your monthly premiums. It could even make the cost of your car insurance go DOWN because there are redundancies in coverage.
Renters insurance has two types of coverage:
Actual Cash Value is cheaper, but it only covers the depreciated value of your stuff based on the condition it’s in and when you bought it. For things like laptops, this will be significantly less than you paid.
Replacement Cost Coverage is more expensive but it will cover the current cost to get you a new version of whatever you lost.

Unlike health insurance, where you often have a yearly deductible, your renters insurance deductible is for each claim that you make. So if your computer gets stolen in May and your clothes are all ruined by a fire in July, not only have you had a shitty year, you’ll also have to pay your deductible twice. That’s why a lower deductible is usually worth paying a slightly higher premium.
On average, the monthly premiums are raised $1 a month or $10-12 a year for every $100 you lower the deductible.
Jewelry, watches and computers, for instance, are only covered up to a certain amount, usually around $1,500. And for those who work from home with expensive equipment, there’s usually a limit on that, too. You can buy an addition to the plan, called a “floater” or “rider,” if you want to insure something particularly of value.
But no matter whose stuff is damaged, claim checks will be made out to both roommates, so you better have a good relationship. And theft by a roommate is not covered.
Since you’re still technically part of your parent’s household while you’re in college, you don’t need your own insurance for the stuff you keep in your dorm.
15. If you have to leave your home for a covered risk, renters insurance will pay for all your expenses while you’re out.
So if there’s a fire and you have to leave, they’ll pay for hotel, food, laundry, childcare and other expenses that arise because you’re away from home.
If your dog bites someone, your renters insurance would cover the medical costs you would be responsible for, including medical and legal fees up to a certain amount. (If you own an “aggressive” breed, this might not be covered—check before you buy your policy.)
18. There’s one big scenario that isn’t covered: when you rent or sublet your place.
So if something happens to your stuff when you AirBnB your rented apartment, that’s not covered by your renters policy.

19. Before you get renters insurance, you should make a ‘home inventory’ of all your stuff.
Not only will this help you know how much property you need covered, it will also make it easy to file a claim if you ever need to.
RMV Announces Grace Period for December Registration Renewals
****RMV Announces Grace Period for December Registration Renewals*****
Registry News
Due to a mailing issue, the RMV is still renewing registrations that expire in December. If your clients‘ December renewal has been delayed, they may still be eligible to renew online (assuming that no insurance stamp is required). When a registration is renewed online, the registrant receives an email confirmation of the renewal which must be carried in the vehicle until the new registration and decal are received. The registrant will not be charged twice. ALARS will not permit the renewal check to be applied because the registration is already renewed. As a result, the check will be returned uncashed.
The RMV has advised us that the majority of registration renewal applications for November and December registrations have been processed, and customers should expect to receive their Certificate of Registration and expiration decal by January 15, 2016.
The RMV has asked law enforcement to recognize a grace period (through January 15, 2016) for customers falling into this category.
There are also a number of incomplete applications that were submitted that are in the process of being returned to customers for completion. For example, the registration application was submitted without a check, the proper payment amount, proof of insurance, or proof of heavy vehicle use tax payment (Form 2290).
Customers can check the status of their registration online by selecting: Registration Inquiry.
Once Again, wishing you a very Happy New Year from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Happy New Year 2015
Wishing you all a very Happy, Safe & Prosperous New Year 2015!
Our offices will close at 3pm today and will be closed through Monday, January 4, 2016.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! from everyone at Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Well, ..What IS? and IS NOT covered by Insurance if an Accident should occur on a Hoverboard?
So … hoverboards … are all the rage … thank you Justin Bieber…
Well, ..What IS? and IS NOT covered by Insurance if an Accident should occur?
Check out this article via Mass Agent by Irene Morrill that may answer some of Your Questions! …
Link on Our facebook page at:
Hope you all had a great holiday!!
Merry Christmas 2015
Our Offices will be Closed on Thursday, December 24th and Friday, December 25, 2015 to enjoy time with our friends & family.
From Our Family…to Yours…Wishing you a Happy, Safe and Wonderful Holiday!
Merry Christmas!!
#travel #holidays #TipsTuesday
Happy Holidays from everyone at Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Traveling for the holidays is very common…Before you hit the road…
Check out these Travel Tips from the Better Business Bureau.
The holidays are here again, and with the price of gas lower than it’s been in years, it’s likely more people will choose to hit the road this holiday season. If you’re one of those travelers, Better Business Bureau (BBB) offers tips to help keep you safe and maybe save you some money.
Prepare a budget – Planning is important. Make a little room in your budget by allowing for unexpected occurrences and emergencies.
Get a tune-up – If your car is due for a tune-up, take it in before making that long haul. At the very least, check the car’s fluid levels, wipers and tire pressure.
Be resourceful – Book hotel rooms in advance and consider exploring reputable money-saving sites. See if there are any good discount offers in the city you’re visiting.
Take BBB with you – When you’re away from home or in the midst of an emergency, it’s hard to know which businesses – such as tow trucks and locksmiths – you can trust. The good news is that free BBB Business Reviews are optimized for smartphones. Now you can easily find businesses you can trust anytime you’re on the go by visiting
Avoid unnecessary costs – Don’t find yourself trapped by additional charges or fees. For example, avoid hotel room phones, which often carry hefty surcharges. When you’re on the road, travel with a cooler and purchase snacks ahead of time. It’s a lot cheaper than the hotel mini-fridge.
Create a car safety kit – Holiday driving often includes the threat of dangerous winter weather. Snow and ice can lead to accidents, car troubles, long delays and road closures. You can be ready for bad weather by creating your own safety kit. Basics for the kit include a blanket, flashlight with extra batteries, radio, first aid kit, jumper cables, non-perishable foods like granola bars and nuts, bottled water, an ice scraper and warm gloves. Having a cellphone charger for your car is also a good idea.
Get an early start and take your time – The best way to fight holiday traffic is to give yourself some extra time to make the trip, and don’t speed. Also, if you’re caught speeding by law enforcement, that adds travel time and can put a dent in your holiday budget.
Drop the distractions – A lot of tragic accidents take place when people are talking on their cellphone or sending text messages. When you’re behind the wheel, don’t text and drive. Let incoming calls go to voicemail or hand your cellphone to a passenger and let them take the call. Also, don’t make or return calls – or send or read – text messages until you reach a safe spot off the road, such as a rest area or a gas station.
For the latest fraud alerts, consumer news and free BBB Business Reviews, visit or like us on Facebook.
Enjoy a Safe & Happy Holiday Season!!
TIPS for Traveling in Snow and Ice
As You prepare for the Winter, New England Snow & Inclement Weather…
Take a moment to Check out these Tips for Safe Driving on Snow & Ice….from Edmunds at:
#TipsTuesday #SafeDriving #Safety #Snowfall
**The Best Tip**
In the face of really bad weather, it’s sometimes best to stay home, or, if you’re traveling, grab a motel room if it starts to snow.
Wishing You and Your Family a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!
The Homeowner’s Guide to Weathering a New England Winter
Now that winter is just around the corner, make sure Your Home is Protected against Heating Hazards, Ice Dams, Burst Pipes and More…
Please take a Moment to review some Safety TIPS and Helpful Suggestions…
Wishing You and Your Family a Safe, Peaceful, & Happy Holiday Season from everyone at Moynihan Insurance Agency, Incorporated Tel: 508-853-8080