Warm up the house! Cold air rolls in!
Warm up the house! Cold air rolls in!
Forecasters anticipate frigid temperatures throughout the Northeast over the next few days. Low temperatures combined with strong winds means an increased potential for frozen and burst pipes.
Here are a few tips from one of our providers, Arbella Mutual Insurance,…to help safeguard against frozen pipes.
• Leave the heat up! Set the thermostat and leave it set to the same temperature day and night.
• Open the kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warm air to circulate around plumbing.
• If you have an attached garage, keep the doors shut. Wind and cold air drafts increase the likelihood of a frozen pipe.
• If you are going away shut off the water supply line to your washing machine.
• Drain and shut off all outside spigots.
• Have someone check on the house.
Once the ice melts and the temperatures rise the water will start to flow. Mark the main water supply line so it can be easily identified.
The good news…the forecast predicts that these severely cold temperatures won’t last long.
Merry Christmas from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Wishing You and Your Families a Merry Christmas from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
In celebration of the holiday, our offices will close today at 3pm and re-open on Tuesday, December 26, 2017.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!! ????
What to Do if You Encounter a Deer in the Road While Driving
With the Holiday Season Upon Us, …many of us will be traveling to visit friends and family.
Check out These Tips on our facebook page at:
…from one of our Insurance Providers, Preferred Mutual, on what to do if you should encounter a deer on the road.
#tipstuesday #travelsafely #breakhard #stayinlane
Have a Great week from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc. ☃️
Beware of Porch Pirates This Holiday Season and Keep Your Packages Safe
Porch pirates wait to pounce on packages left sitting – and this time of year is especially lucrative. How to protect your packages from theft? Asking neighbors to pick up packages is one option. You could also try package management options, such as FedEx’s Delivery Manager or UPS My Choice for some control over when packages arrive. In some locations, Amazon.com also offers Amazon Locker to keep packages secure until you pick them up from a code-locked locker 24/7 and, for Amazon Prime members, Amazon Key enables packages to be delivered just inside your front door.
Beware of Porch Pirates this season… and keep your packages safe!
Have a Great weekend from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Happy Thanksgiving 2017
Wishing You and Your Families a Wonderful, Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Our office will be closed on Thursday, November 23 and will re-open on Monday, November 27, 2017.
Happy Veteran’s Day from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc. would like to Thank All of our Veteran’s and Their Families for their service.
#veteransday2017 #thankaveteran #honoringallveterans
Insulate Your Home Properly Before You Head South for the Winter
With Temps in New England Hovering around Freezing this Week, …Cold Air is beginning to come through our region????️
If you are lucky enough to Head South to Warmer Weather, during Some of New England’s Colder Months, Consider these Tips from Preferred Mutual, one of our Insurance Providers before you leave your home:
–Drain the water from your supply line…
–Insulate pipes in crawl spaces that are exposed to the cold
–Consider additional Insulation in Attics and Basements to keep out that cold air.
#tipstuesday #insulateyourhomeforcoldertemps #winterinnewengland
Have a Great Week from Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Happy Halloween 2017
Wishing You and Your Family a Happy & Safe Halloween from everyone at Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Carving Pumpkins Tips
With Halloween Only a Week away, …Moynihan Insurance Agency, Inc. would like to wish You and Your Families a Happy & Safe Halloween!
Check out these Tips from Arbella on our facebook page to help carve your Pumpkins this year…
–Always point the blade away from you when cutting…
–Choose a dry and well-lit place to prevent accidents
–Be sure to cut with a saw-like motion rather than slicing
–If you’re using candles, be sure your pumpkin is placed on a fire-safe surface
National Teen Driver Safety Week
This week is…National Teen Driver Safety Week
Discuss these Tips from one of our carriers, MAPFRE/Commerce with Your Teen Driver:
–You are Never Too Old to Buckle Up!!
-Parents should lead by example and reinforce the notion throughout the years.
–Just say no to drinking and driving.
-Parents should strictly enforce this as a rule of thumb until teens become of legal age.
–Never Text and Drive
-Parents should discuss and lead by example by not texting and driving.
Click on Link on our Facebook Page for More Helpful Tips…
#tipstuesday #teendriving #nationalteendriversafetyweek
Have a Great week from Moyhihan Insurance Agency, Inc.